Friday, December 31, 2010

Crapbook One (1998-2006) pgs1-42

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Myspace Beta: Now Slower Than Ever!

I hate myspace. I've been trying to update my page and it has taken me an hour to do 3 things. I'm trying to change my profile also and all I get is an error page. Ugg!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Matthew Dean Shaffer #3

The following statement is true: There is a cow in the art room where I work.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Matthew Dean Shaffer #1

Three thoughts, separate but connected:

1)Yes, I believe God exists, and I believe that coffee and music exist too, but not in the same plain of existence, well, yes, in the same plain, but lower. Wait. Let me start over. God is far more important than coffee or music; but I say I love all three. Sometimes I wonder if I use love a little too casually where God is concerned.

2)We love coffee (or tea if that's your thing; perhaps hot chocolate?). We love music (or AM talk radio if you're one of those people who doesn't like music; I have been acquainted with one such person). But do we LOVE God or do we just love God? Or do we just kind of like Him? Or worst yet, do we just mildly tolerate His presence? What do we mean when we say we love Him? I ask this because I have heard the word "love" used interchangeably with all of these terms of endearment (or lack there of).

3)I would have to say in my life, keeping things in their proper perspective and order of importance, the following statement is true: I LOVE God. I love music. I love coffee too. I mildly tolerate tea.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Video: Zerthscape Vol I-04

The video is fixed and rendered properly.

Video Mistake

Here's a new video. Well... it's more of a song. Well..... it's not really a song. ...It's just a mistake that happened in rendering that I liked.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Two Buzzhead Republic Videos

Sometimes I'm too avant garde for my own good. Wait, I'm not sure you can be too avant garde.

The One With the Deer III

Okay, so I haven't been writing much lately. I've been really busy. I've been over worked and under paid, and I have been taking my mom to one doctor's appointment after another (almost daily) for the past few weeks, maybe months.

I love my mom and she deserves all the help I am able to give her so I don't resent her for any of it. I just want her to get better, so we can both live our lives again.

For those who pray, please keep her in your prayers.

So. Now even though I haven't been writing, it doesn't mean I can't post other stuff like photos and videos. I have some of those that have been just laying around.

Here are some more photos of the deer that have been hanging around my property. I mentioned in an earlier post about the deer that one of them had an injured leg. Well it lost the lower half of its leg and it looked like it was well healed. It was moving around fine and looked like it was getting enough food. There might be some shots of it in these photos.

The photos were taken a while back and I haven't seen the deer since so I think it may have died. Sad.