Saturday, December 15, 2012

St. Vincent (Annie Clark)

Her latest music is making me think of Cowboy Bebop. This is the easy listening music of the cyberpunk future dystopia.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Music Updates

It's been a while since I have posted anything specifically about my music. Over this last year I have finally gotten down the production side of things (that is producing decent sounding songs in an apartment environment) but have had moderate success with my vocals. I was finally able to get better equipment that made my vocal recordings clear enough to hear what was wrong. Through trial, error, and reading advice from pros I have learned a lot about recording techniques that strengthen the diaphram and make my vocal clear. Things no longer sound muddy or drowned out by music. I'm still working on not holding back. Because I live in an apartment and do a lot of my recording at night, I am often self conscious of being too loud. However, to get past this, I just belted it out during the day today instead. After some takes and honest criticism from myself and friends it is clear that my vocals are better but they are just slightly flat, occasionally, really flat. Sometimes, I'm able to get things perfect, but not as much as I want. I've thought about auto-tuning but I really don't like the sound of it even if it's making slight adjustments. I've also thought that maybe over time practice will make my voice better. Practice definitely will help but I think I should get lessons to teach me where the notes are, so I can really feel it instead of just guessing. I say guessing because it is hard to find the right pitch when you're hearing it through your inner ear. Being taught that alone will make everything that much easier. I can't afford lessons, but I've been producing some songs for a singer, so I'll just ask for lessons from him in trade for my work.

I have a lot of new songs but I've been holding out on releasing them because I want to do things right and with more discipline from now on.  I bought a drum-set so that has helped a lot in making my songs sound fuller. I'm still hoping to get a bass guitar soon because that's the other essential part of the backbone of a song. Again though, the biggest thing is my vocals. I really want to get them better and I'm sure I will. I just have to be patient with myself as I'm working on them. As one of my friends said, I'm great at expressing myself , just my delivery is a little off. It will all come together eventually.

Best of all, I am having more fun than ever!


Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Night Grunge Fest (part 2)

The next guy has unfortunate hair.


Monday Night Grunge Fest (part 1)

This next one by Nirvana is a great example of how fun they were. Very little of Top Of The Pops was live, so they never pretended it was. Here they are screwing around and complete making fun of the illusion of "Rock Star". There are even cover and tributes of this version of Kurt's singing.