Friday, December 20, 2013

Music DIY, The Long Road, and Shopping Record Labels

It's been a little while since I last posted an update on the band so here's the short short version.

After the release of our latest EP, Black Swans of Chaos Theory, we have been submitting it to various music labels. Specifically, ones that are offering development contracts and seed money. The band is also continuing to learn some of my older songs as well as collaborating on some new ones. If all goes well, we will start playing live again soon! I'm greatly looking forward to it since it has been nearly two years since my last live performance. Boy, time flies when you're busy honing your craft! I spent the last six odd years learning about mixing and mastering, reading music, writing songs, and pretty much doing all that I can in a DIY manner. I even played in a church band for a couple of years to learn more about song composition, music theory, reading music and learning other styles of music that I hadn't yet learned, i.e. Jazz, Gospel, etc.

Now is the time for further development with help from outside, more experienced people. Hence the search for a good development contract. I'm ready to get out there and kick some butt again! I had a lot of fun touring for many years with my previous band, and even playing a few solo shows when I first started this Buzzhead Republic "band". But now this"band" is a BAND and it is time time time (can I say time enough times?) to get kickin' again! This next year will be one of our best years yet, and just the beginning of many more to come.

A last note. I want to send out a congratulations on a new album release to one of my former band mates. I don't want to mention names unless he okays it (we didn't go our separate ways on the greatest of terms).  But he knows who he is, and if he happens to be reading this, Congrats man. I wish you all the best!

Oh, one more, a last, last note. I also went back to school but not for an art degree or anything related to music even. I'm studying Radiology. The idea is that even if I don't land a music contract, I will have the funds when I graduate to further my DIY music endeavors. One way or another the world WILL know who I am, and who Buzzhead Republic is! A contract would be the most ideal because the other way is the long road, but either way, it is only a matter of time!

God bless! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year or whatever it is you like to do in this season. I don't care what as long as you're happy and blessed (can't we all just get along?).

Friday, November 8, 2013

I got a nice review today of my new EP!

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Good Day

I'm just sitting here with my bass guitar in my lap typing and listening to good tunes. Today was a great day for no particular reason other than it was. I don't want the day to end so I've stayed up late even though I'm only going to get a few hours of sleep before work. I think this is a good time to share some of the music I'm listening to right now. These are just some of the songs from my Rooster Rock compilations that I make from time to time. At some point I will dedicate several blog posts to those compilations, but for now enjoy these.

This Smashing Pumpkins song is not the one I have. I have the much rarer demo of this demo version that has decaying tape problems. I got it off of a CD that was made from the old demo tapes. I like my version because of the falling apart sound created by the decaying tape. Unfortunately, I can't find it online. This was the closest to how it sounds. This recording also has a guitar lead that is not in the version I have.